Sunday, January 15, 2006

First Impressions


So this is me and here I am. Are these your apples I'm nicking? I wouldn't like to. Someone once told me that first impressions were very important and I wouldn't like to spoil yours by stealing your apples. No Sir!

Not your apples you say? That's alright then. The picture is ancient anyway, so you couldn't have done anything against me nicking that (certainly unripe) apple.

Of course I know they're not your apples! They belonged to my grandparents. My grandparents are dead though and the apple tree isn't there anymore either; Pity that!
But the house my grandparents lived in is still there.

Mentioning my dead grandparents is certainly an odd way to start a Blog. Certainly since the most digitally advanced piece of household equipement they would have used in their lifetime would have been their telly. No nifty 26" wide- or even bigger plasma screen, oh no! Theirs was an old school tv with maybe ten channels to choose from.
But I think it's a good start. That way their memory becomes immortalised; for all to share, but certainly for myself to remember lest I forget.

Ubdates on my gandparents will probably follow.
I'll leave it for now

have a nice day and
thanks for reading
