Monday, November 21, 2011

Adrian on Jaffa Cakes

I'm of the firm belief that to be truly worthy of the Yard of Jaffa you cannot simply hold it, but brandish it. Brandish it like it's your weapon of choice when the Zombie Apocalypse comes. For the Yard of Jaffa is glorious and deserves to be treated thus.

I mean, I might not live very long, but a "personalised, damast steel enforced, ergonomic Yard of Jaffa an integrate soft touch coated, carbon fibre handle" has got to be the best weapon - Full Stop!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Fuckin' right I'm pissed off!

I went to the bank this morning because they'd "updated" my online banking security with a nifty number generator gadget (I'm all for nifty number generator gadgets) without actually sending me said gadget. Fine, I get one in the store and get to activate it...
Now WHY THE FUCK does a security system enhanced with a number generator which "could" on prompt spit out any combination of numbers even in response to other number combinations (it has a num-pad, DUH!) - WHY THE FUCK does this system still need MEMORABLE QUESTIONS????

OH yeah and then why not make one of those questions NECESSARILY about something FAVOURITE because everyone has a FAVOURITE car/dish/music artist/plant/animal/colour??!! NO THEY FUCKIN' DON'T!!!!

NOT EVERYBODY DOES FAVOURITISM!!!! And if I like Amy MacDonald just as much as I like the Stones I'm not gonna be able to remember which one I chose!!!

Am I bitter on the second day back from holidays? FUCKIN' RIGHT I AM!!!

And because this isn't just about banks, here's another thing I encountered when I went into WHSmith.
I bought a new Diary and while I was waiting for them to process my card payment their machine spits out TWO extra receipts, which I am then honoured to take away with me, telling me about an amazing £5 off (my next purchase over £15 in two weeks time; when I will have forgotten about this voucher (and let's be honest who goes and buys stuff for £15 in WHS)) and a whooping 20% off children's stationery/books/back to school items because 'Hey' I might want to buy them; NO I FUCKIN' DON'T! HOW DARE YOU PRESUME I DO!!!