Thursday, July 19, 2007

Every Program needs a "bugger off" button

Computer and internet technology is a brilliant thing. You can get anything and everything at the click of a button, anywhere you are (as long as you're logged on/connected) at your personal convenience. Well actually that's a lie, that last bit about 'your personal convenience'. It's more like an inconvenience! Oh sure I'm not talking about ll those nice things you can have, communication methods right there, academic information easily and readily available, non-academic information readily available, everything, even fluffy toys that look like the HIV virus are available at the click of the button; everything so convenient. But I'm not talking about that.

What I'm talking about is this: Every now and again we are told that to 'access this' or 'enable that function' or 'listen to this advert' and 'make this connection more secure' we are required to download some program or other. And I'm not even talking about the bogus Downloader-Dialer-Trojan stuff. I'm talking about those readily recognisable genuine programs one seems to need running in the background to make life with a computer oh so smooth. Shockwave flash, Media player, Quicktime (of all things), Direct-effing-X, Adobe Acrobat, you name it.

Fine! you install all these things in the hope that you can get what you want now just to find that all these programs have decided that they now take up a prime spot on your computer; the system tray; and that right from the word go!


What's worse, to stop them doing that I have to open these programs (which I downloaded so I wouldn't have to have anything to do with things), leaf through their 'Preferences' section (of which they may have about seven), come invariably past a "do you wish to register?" entry at which point I fell like punching the program concerned into the stone age for suggesting that I wished to give away all my personal details in order to receive an abundance of e-mails every day (...back to the point), and find and untick(!) the box that says "open into system tray at windows start up". Why on earth would this box be ticked in the first place? If I didn't tick it, then I don't want it to be bloody ticked! I don't want this program to run in the background when it's not needed!It clogs up the process, uses up memory and is good for just about nothing anyway as long as I don't run any applications that depend on it; and even then it takes about, uh..., five seconds longer to start the application without the thing already in the background, big smegging deal!

And that's why I think that all programs need a "bugger off" button that shows up right after installation which deletes and overrides all the default autoplay, standby, tray icon and background settings and generally restricts the program concerned to only run when when it's absolutely necessary.

And now I'm going back to work again, but it needed saying.

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