Saturday, May 19, 2007

Adrian on politics

I could say; "politics suck", which is about as bold and meaningless a statement as you cannot, or should not, make about a complex concept such as politics. Bold because it's not very constructive and doesn't give any clues as to why it would suck if it did, and also because it's very easy to say without actually committing oneself to very much.

But the fact remains that I don't like the way the political situation is turning out in the country. Starting with the fact that what we basically have here is not a democracy - full stop. Because let's face it, the only thing people in this country can vote for is a anarchic ruler who can pretty much decide what he wants and even when he's challenged in his decision all he's gotta say is something like: "I think this is good", or "no, it is important and it's the right decision", and everyone will just agree with him eventually, if he just keeps insisting on that long enough. Some political system! And the government doesn't even half care about the people living in this country as long as they pay taxes. One of the few things this government is good at is collecting taxes and reinforcing tax laws wherever it can. What for? For a war that nobody in this country supports?

What we have here is a democratic dictatorship. And when it comes to elections, what are actually the choices? Abysmal, that's what they are! Only three parties to choose from? Let's break it down then. We've got the current government party who haven't done a very good job over the past three(!) candidatures. (why the hell did they get re-elected I ask you?!) We have the opposition party, the conservatives, who have ruined this country before and will doubtlessly ruin it again given the chance. And what are we left with? The Liberal Democrats. Well they're a bit of a joke, aren't they?! I mean, before last elections everyone got the feeling that, "wow, they are the REAL alternative!" They give us the facts as they are, they don't lie and they're finally a political group who will admit that making good politics WILL COST MONEY! And then they suddenly start squabbling about leadership. "He's been a good leader but he's got an alcohol problem that hasn't so far stopped him from making good politics!" and "oh no, he's had a relationship with a rent-boy, no we can't have that for a prime minister!"
Yeah you really blew your chances there. Not just for this last election but also for the coming one because people will remember. That's why the conservatives don't get in.
You could have been the real alternative, standing as one behind your candidate. Showing that he was the one to do some decent politics.

So if the Liberal Democrats won't get in and the Conservatives don't get in either, what does that leave us with? Oh yeah, the Labour Party, whoopee! And that's why they always get back in again, not because they make very good politics, but because they are consistent as a unit and because the only alternative would be the Conservatives.

And that's why politics suck!

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