Friday, May 18, 2007

on irrational phears

Do you get that? You lie in bed and all of a sudden you think up a situation where something unthinkably scary and dangerous happens to you!
  • that you might get attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean
  • or that you might get too close to the edge of, say, the White Cliffs of Dover and end up falling to your death
And it's not so much the problem of thinking up these situations, it's also that I then go on vividly imagining them which really puts the shiver on my skin. If it's something to do with heights my soles and palms will start tingling really uncomfortably.
For example...
This morning I thought about the effect of one tectonic plate suddenly deciding to sink down on one side, being pulled under its neighbouring plate and leaving a huge opening for hot magma to flow out pretty freely on the other side. what chaos would that create in our modern society! Then I thought where would that be possible? Aha, Los Angeles! (I think) But then I'm thinking what if you were lying on the beach because the sand had gone really warm over the past few days. And so you'll be lying there while all of a sudden the sand melts into the ground, being melted from below by his magma stuff, and you're still lying there! Except, that you'd be dead. And then I thought, well, you wouldn't really feel anything would you becuase the temperature is so hot it will burn your nerve ends before they can send the pain signals to your head and then your eyes...(very graphic imagination follows)

Anyways, I think about stuff like that. And sometimes it's really annoying because all you can do is shake yourself about violently in a n attempt to get this uncomfortable feeling off you.

The one with the Cliffs in Dover is another original one (i.e. I didn't just dream that up for this post). I want to go and see them becuase they amaze me. And becuase I know there's afootpath going along the top I though "uh I want to get really close to the edge and then look down!" WHY??? I mean, I'm affraid of heights as it is. Only thinking about it makes my plams go funny.

Maybe this has got nothing to do with fears and can just be blamed on an overactive imagination. Somtimes I wish I could just lose those weird thoughts, but then I'm thinking 'at times an overactive imagination is pretty funny'.

Oh the power! Muahahaha...