Monday, May 14, 2007

Adrian on showers, and possibly exercise

Since I just had a shower I feel that it's the perfect topic to write about. I love showers, I absolutely do. Certainly more so since I discovered the secrets of the "Original Source" (there goes the advert. And I don't even get paid for it)showers have become a major event in my life. That is not to say that I shower as often as possible and sometimes twice that, no. I still sometimes dodge having a shower and go to bed or something knowing full well that my hair is already looking and feeling really manky it will do even more so the next morning, at which point I can really not postpone having a shower much longer. I generally prefer having showers to having baths. Maybe it's to do with the fact that I don't fit into most bathtubs and in order for it to be a reasonable bath you hve to sit there for hours thinking "It's not really comfortable, the water's getting cold, my knees are sticking out and right now I could think of a million other things to do that ar more urgent than having a bath!"

Also baths are more enjoyable if there's two in toe tub (nuff said on that note) (except, that there's even less space now)

But I guess with age (I'm not THAT old, yet) I have overcome the gender specific stereotype of "boys not liking showers", because I know when I was a kid I hated having a shower! Don't ask me why, cause the only explanation I can think of is that it takes time away from doing other things like playing. Even though I probably spent to previous four hours playing. I did have more baths then though, it has to be said. And I always had my bath toys. Not just rubber ones, but also plastic clockwork ones that would float on the surface and swim around. I guess this is why I am of the firm conviction now that every bathroom needs to have a rubber duck (at least).

Which leads me to wonder. Do other people have rubber ducks? And do they come in the bath tub with you whan you're having a bath? Or are they just ornamental, something for the party guests to smile over when they go to the toilet.

I thought I'd write more on that topic but I've run of ideas now, so I'm gonna switch over to my non-compulsory topic.

Exercise is something i do far too little of. Sometimes I'll do some push-ups just after I get out of bed, but that doesn't happen very often. I am painfully aware that I should really set aside some time for serious exercising something I intend to do as soon as all these deadlines are out of the way, but having said that it would probably be better for me, my morale, my health, my work willingness - take your pick, to be doing exercise right now instead of constantly arguing that I didn't have to time.

Exercise clears out the head. I know this and in my first and some of my second year I went for a run or to the gym just to airate my head and be able to start fresh on what ever I was working on. It is also a fact that wenever I get out of the gym, having spent approximately one hour there I feel completely relaxed and not at all sleepy. Perfect for doing a day's work.

Yeah I should really do that more often.

Now I'm hungry. I'll have some breakfast and then we'll see. Maybe I can do some work today. (I'd really need to as I've not finished something which is due in today)

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